Youth making a difference on both a community and world scale.

There are many needs in our community and world that we have the capability of helping with.


Our mission is to teach St. Joe students that time is a great resource we can use to help others. We want to create habits of service that last a lifetime.

Interact4DR in Southwest Michigan

Interact4DR in short is a mission statement founded on the idea of providing education and english skills, building houses, and providing medical supplies to the kids in Batay 106 in the Dominican Republic. More specifically we’ve sent 125 kids to school in hope that providing them with an education will allow them to achieve more with their lives than working in the surrounding sugarcane fields making only three dollars a day. 


Promoting Literacy

Since 2016, SJPS Interact Club members have been going to Countryside academy, Hull Academy, and SJPS elementary’s reading with 1st and 2nd grade students. Interact club members build connections with the students there and serve as role models to encourage reading.

Check your points here.

Members earn one point per hour of service and half a point for attending meetings. Visit the Points and Membership System tab under About to see more details about our Tier system.